Ana Dubljević & Milan Marković Matthis: STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER (RS)

October 12, 2016
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Strawberry Fields Forever malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

A short piece about the other side of European cultural identity

 What are the values we aspire to in Europe today? What is it that brings these twenty- eight different countries, numerous languages, religions and spaces of cultural heritage together? European history was written and rewritten in wars, struggles and the suffering of its peoples – lessons we had to learn to arrive at where we are today. And, for sure, we could think of these conflicting differences as the main obstacle in creating something we could call European identity. But what our rich and inspiring, even if sometimes turbulent, history also offers is another interpretation.

Within the 22. International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women.

Organisation: City of Women.
Supported by Goethe Institut Warsaw, in cooperation with the Centre for Culture Lublin, Obcanske sdruzeni Motus in Prague and the State School of Dance in Athens with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.

Ana Dubljević is a performer and author in the field of expanded choreography. Her artistic interest dwells around “dancing” concepts, questions, relations, languages and bodies. The focus of her work is on politicality, on one side – of art and art work, and on the other – the politicality of our everyday individual and collective lives, today. In her choreographic work, amongst are performances It, Let’s take it from the top, Performance (not called bitter cunts), Only Mine Alone and Temporaries, there is a focus on collaborations and an interest in exploring various ways of creating in non-hierarchical structures.

Milan Marković Matthis is an award-winning dramaturge, playwright and performer. The work in major theatre houses (national theatres in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Italy…) and that on the independent scene, present equally important parts of his artistic practice. The work that won him international acclaim was the 2012 piece They Live, created in the tradition of performance art and subversive affirmation.

30 min

Ticket prices: 7 eur, 5 eur (students, seniors)
Information and reservations: