October 4, 2016 8:30 pm

Kaja.Lorenci_kolaz_Bunker_foto_Nada.ZgankPhoto: Nada Žgank

In her performance Just in Appearance Sometimes as Everyone Else, Kaja Lorenci multiplies the form of the duet with different dance tasks and configurations, delimiting it by two choreographic contrasts: the solo as the dancer’s monologue, which is a kind of a precondition for establishing communication with the other, and the group choreographic configuration, in which the duets enter their indistinguishable multiplicity. The duets can be read along the lines of the dynamic of individual self-awareness, as a site of encounter, trust, insecurity, as well as (self)loss or burden. Lorenci moves on the boundary where choreography may cross over to the field of different narratives, with dancers obtaining certain characteristic traits; however, her choreographic configurations are nevertheless primarily concerned with staying within the field of choreographic problems. Her work can therefore be understood as a distinct procedure of detheatralisation, with which choreography is never exclusively and fully a formal proposition, while at the same time all chances for the slightest hint of drama are being renounced as well. Maybe we could even say that the theatrical engine of Kaja Lorenci’s work generates choreographic constellations that become semantically adhesive insofar as they are uncompromising in renouncing their potential theatralisation. Encounters of five dancers are contingent upon a certain abandonment of defences and self-protections inhabiting our modern bodies. There is no mysticism here whatsoever, only materiality in the widest possible sense. (Rok Vevar)

Created byKaja Lorenci
Co-created and performed by: Žigan Krajnčan, Katja Legin, Kaja Lorenci, Dejan Srhoj, Nataša Živković
Music: sz3
Dramaturge: Rok Vevar
Light design: Urška Vohar
Photo: Nada Žgank
Translations: Katja Kosi
Executive producer: Sabina Potočki
Administration: Nina Janež
Production: Emanat
Co-production: Bunker, Ljubljana
Partner: Association City of Women / City of Women Festival 2016

Ticket prices: 10 eur, 7 eur (students, seniors), 5 eur (limited number of group discount tickets for 5 or more tickets)
Information and reservations: info@bunker.si, +386 51 269 906