September 17, 2016 8:00 pm September 18, 2016 8:00 pm

J.Rozman_Senzasenso_CMatijaLukic_3Photo: Matija Lukić

SENZASENSO is a place where I cannot find meaning. / SENZASENSO is a state of restlessness that leads to nowhere. / SENZASENSO is an idea gone wrong. / SENZASENSO is a thought in decay. / SENZASENSO is the moment when I lose control. / SENZASENSO is a performance of insanity.

SENZASENSO is a show that creates a world parallel to natural reality of our day. The performance seeks to create an eco-futuristic space where a human being is placed alongside abstract creatures that emerge from the created landscape. In a humorously-metaphysical way, it questions the creation of the universe from nothingness, the evolution of life from inanimate matter and the (im)possibility of a genuine coexisting relationship between man and nature.

An excellent dance performance by Jan Rozman, produced by Pekinpah returned to the stage at the Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana.

Author: Jan Rozman
Performers: Jan Rozman and Ana Romih
Dramaturgy, costumes and light design: Petra Veber
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Production: Pekinpah
Coproduction: Qulenium
Partners: Bunker, Nagib, RedSapata Tanzfabrik
Supported by:  In the frame of Kodeks by Jan Rozman, supported by Ministry of Culture RS. Postproduction of Senzasenso is a part of Pekinpah production house programme, sofinanced by City Municipality of Ljubljana – devision of culture.

Tickets: 10 eur, 7 eur (students, seniors)
Information and ticket reservation: info@bunker.si