crvena_warin the house_foto zoran kanlićFoto: Zoran Kanlić

Friday, August 26th, 17.00–18.00

Instability and insecurity seem to be among the unifying features of the contemporary human experience. With Naomi Klein’s doctrine of shock in mind, we can argue that the »state of emergency« has extended from the post-catastrophe reordering of political mythologies and power relations to an understanding that conditions characterizing the present state of affairs are different in nature, feeding upon a more general development of the world community. One way to characterize this is the erosion of the social orders that were traditionally established as national/state orders. Though the nation-state remains the dominant structure, states are being exposed as increasingly helpless in sustaining order, and populations and individuals find themselves in situations where maintaining social relations becomes something established precariously, in a manner necessarily fluid. In the covert lecture, using various methods, we examine the possible and counterintuitive ways in which social ordering may appear, and how it can be made into a force of change and emancipation, and thus a substitute for conservatism and oppression which have been articulated as parameters of the current dominant answer to global challenges.

Crvena (Red) is a Bosnian collective operating on the porous terrains of activism, theory, feminism, art, journalism and collective action.

“This isn’t a story about revolution, a political party, lipstick or whatever. RED is the only true colour, the first colour discovered by humanity. RED is the colour of fire and blood, of forceful emotion, the colour of love and alarm. RED is the colour of strength felt when working together, the energy that unites the lady artists, cultural historians, feminists, curators, photographers, engineers, economists, poets, singers, journalists, musicians and DJs, writers, sociologists, activists, and many other Bosnian and Herzegovian women of similar disposition in the CRVENA (RED) Association for Art and Culture.” (Danijela Dugandžić Živanović)