Category: ,
September 14, 2008 8:00 pm

This story is based on the novel “Kaddish for an Unborn Child” by the Hungarian author Imre Kertézs. The beautiful love story and the marriage of the main characters ends in divorce. B. is not able to face his past: the imprisonment in his childhood and his miraculous survival. These events disrupt his life and love as an unbreakable wall. His wife wants a baby, he doesn’t. He thinks that his comprehension of life is misunderstood and that happiness can’t be shared.
“Long Friday” is a reflection of dramas, lived by anonymous people.

Directed by: Gabor Tompa
Dramaturgy: András Visky
Set and costume design: Carmencita Brojboiu
Choreography: Vava Ştefănescu
Performers: Áron Dimény, Hilda Péter, Attila Obrán, Balázs Bodolai, Enikő Györgyjakab, Zsolt Bogdan, Leventa Molnár / Ernő Galló
Choir: Hilda Péter, Attila Orbán, Balázs Bodolai, Enikő Györgyjakab, Zsolt Bogdán, Levente Molnár / Ernő Galló, Lehel Salat, Ferenc Sinkó, Emőke Kató
Production: Teatrul Maghiar Cluj (Madžarsko gledališče iz Cluja) – Romunija/Romania

More about programme of Ex Ponto festival.