Premiere of the documentary movie Transgender life in Slovenia

Category: ,
June 29, 2016 8:00 pm

Film-pritličje-mala22Photo: Institute TransAkcija and Pritlicje 

The documentary movie Transgender life in Slovenia, which is a presentation of 10 transgender and gender variant persons from various locations in the country, portrays diverse experiences regarding one’s gender identity and the stance of being a transgender person in Slovene society. The movie will contribute to awareness raising about transgender persons in Slovenia, and mostly increase visibility and legitimization of both out and non-out transgender persons.

The movie was created in collaboration between Institute TransAkcija, a non-governmental organization which provides support and advocacy for rights of transgender persons in Slovenia, and Sanctuary Studios Inc (Canada), an international video production company which primarily produces documentary films specializing on human rights issues, particularly LGBTI rights.
Director: Michelle Emson
Production: Anja Koletnik and Evan A. Grm

The movie is in Slovene language with English subtitles.
The movie screaning will be followed by a talk and socializing at Pritličje, Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana.

Free entrance.