Leo Bassi (Italy/Spain): BOB / The Best of Bassi

June 15, 2016 8:00 pm

BOB cartel con margenmala

Photo: from personal archive of Leo Bassi

In addition to Jang Edwards and, of course, Slava Polunin, legendary artist Leo Bassi is considered one of the three main protagonists of the Nouveau Clown concept.

He is not only a TV personality, continuously confronting us with provocation, he is also a purebred comedian, a classic clown and an actor striving for a different comedy, explosive and dark, provocative and ungraspable. This outrageous warrior of the army of endless laughter turned to provocation as his only weapon of survival, helping him to face personal challenges which are almost infinite, helping him to overcome every obstacle, as impossible or inconvenient as it may appear.

Part of Klovnbuf – International Festival of Clowning and Circus Arts.

Executive producer: Zavod Bufeto
Supported by: Ministry of culture of RS, Municipality of Ljubljana

Tickets: 10 €, 7 € (pupils, students, retired)
Information and ticket reservation: info@bunker.si

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