April 21, 2016 8:00 pm

Malome¨?anaska svatba - Bertold Brecht

photo: Željko Stevanić – IFP and Archive CTF UL AGRFT

If we can find the petty bourgeois in any way similar to us or to our fellow inhabitants of today’s world, it is perhaps in the constant burdening of humankind with the lack of content or the inability to express the content that would be accepted as we would like both in the immediate and in the wider environment. Therefore, we try to cover this non-content by expressing false views and with a worldview that is not really ours, but serves to avoid saying what we really think and what we really feel, as we thereby run the risk of being banished from the safe embrace of our society. Maintaining our reputation. Maintaining our image. Maintaining our impression. Feeding the ego that feeds on our true self. What remains in the end? Emptiness, again. Grim, grim, grim.

Translated by: Eduard Miler, Irena Novak Popov
The Virgin Ballad translated by: Tone Pretnar

Directed by: Sara Lucu
Dramaturgy: Pia Vatovec, Jerneja Kaja Balog
Set design: Andrej Kurent
Costumes: Katarina Šavs
Music: Peter Dirbnek
Bride’s father: Petja Labović
Groom’s mother: Zala Ana Štiglic
Bride: Sara Dirnbek
Her sister: Maša Grošelj
Groom: Žan Koprivnik
His friend: Lara Vouk
Wife: Mia Skrbinac
Her husband: Blaž Dolenc
Young man: Voranc Boh
Bertolt: Peter Dirnbek

Production: students of the VIIth semester of the Theatre Directing, Stage Acting and Dramaturgy and Performing Arts programmes of the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television

The performance is presented in the frame of the 70th Anniversary of the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television.

More information and ticket reservation:
Ticket prices: 6 €, 4 € (students, retired people, groups of 5 or more)