Moira Finucane: GOTHARAMA

October 12, 2015 8:00 pm

2013 LITTLE SALONS GLORYPhoto: Jodie Hutchinson

From the art-house of Finucane & Smith comes Gotharama – a blood soaked hour of skin-shedding theatre that writhes through dark fairy tales, gothic dreams, angels, demons, soul searing music, wild tales and physical madness.

Mutating before your very eyes “from sledgehammer to slow acting poison”, Moira Finucane, Queen Provocateur of Volcanic Performance, Australia’s “national treasure”, unleashes the gothic feminine in all her wicked ways. With the haunting, angelic and white-hot singer Clare St Clare, Gotharama pecks the eyes out of the gothic feminine in this intimate and unforgettable Franken-Salon.

Creators, directors: Moira Finucane, Jackie Smith
Written, performed by: Moira Finucane
Singer, songwriter: Clare St Clare
Lighting design: Betty Siemers
Production: Finucane & Smith
Organization: City of Women

In the frame of the 21st International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women.
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