Anne Juren, Annie Dorsen: MAGICAL

October 11, 2015 8:00 pm

Magical_01_Christoph Lepka - CopyPhoto: Christoph Lepka

Magical, a solo dance piece, uses the canon of feminist performance art and the rituals of a magic show to play with illusion, trickery and transformation. Juren and Dorsen work with five iconic and influential performances from 1965–1975: Martha Rosler’s Semiotics of the Kitchen, Cut Piece by Yoko Ono, Marina Abramović’s Freeing the Body, and Interior Scroll and Meat Joy by Carolee Schneemann. Each piece is subjected to a process of inversion, in which the assumptions and ethics of the originals are turned upside down.

The simultaneity of magic, choreography and performance leads to surprising turns: all deploy the power of metamorphosis, of the body, of the magic object, of the audience’s vision.

Realization: Annie Dorsen, Anne Juren
Choreography, magic, performed by: Anne Juren
Magic training: Steve Cuiffo
Music: Christophe Demarthe
Set design: Roland Rauschmeier
Lighting design: Bruno Pocheron, Ruth Waldeyer
Technical direction: Bruno Pocheron
Costume design: Miriam Draxl
Artistic management: Silke Bake
Production: Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung
Co-production: ImPulsTanz
Supported by: City of Vienna – Department of Cultural Affairs, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, Austrian Cultural Forum, Ljubljana
Organization: City of Women

In the frame of the 21st International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women.
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