Jan Rozman: SENZASENSO, premiere

September 27, 2015 8:00 pm September 28, 2015 8:00 pm

Senzasenso_JanRozman - CopyPhoto: Matija Lukić

Senzasenso is a place where I find no meaning.
Senzasenso is a state of restlessness which leads nowhere.
Senzasenso is an idea gone wrong.
Senzasenso is a thought falling apart.
Senzasenso is a moment when I lose control.
Senzasenso is a performance about madness.

Senzasenso is a dance performance in which author Jan Rozman creates a world parallel to today’s natural reality. The performance attempts to build an eco-futurist space where the human being is placed side by side with abstract creatures emerging from the newly created landscape. In a humorous and metaphysical way, it examines the creation of the universe from nothing, the evolution of life from inanimate matter, and the (im)possibility of a true coexistence of man and nature.

Rozman takes a critical yet productive stand on the issue of constructing a living environment, and evaluates past human development by means of a metaphorical transformation, fusing a dead landscape with living organisms. As a result, the performance at the same time curses the frenzied world of (post)industrial alienation and worships the persistent spiralling efforts at a humanist search for meaning in this relationship between the human and the natural. It does this by adopting not a societal, but above all a sensuous and ecological view of the possibility of forming the contours of a new human existence in today’s “post-natural” world.

Created by: Jan Rozman
Performers: Alja Ferjan, Jan Rozman
Dramaturgy, lighting and costume design: Petra Veber
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Production: Pekinpah Kink Kong
Co-production: Qulenium
Partners: Bunker, Ljubljana; RedSapata Tanzfabrik Linz

The performance was developed as part of Kodeks, a two-year project by Jan Rozman, and is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.