Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba: IDEAL, premiere

June 13, 2015 8:00 pm June 14, 2015 8:00 pm

LejaJurisic&TejaReba-Ideal-c Petra Veber 02 - Copy

Photo: Petra Veber

Ideal is a dance performance for two performers, a bunch of patriarchal semi-celebrities, and a bed. Leja Jurišić and Teja Reba, whose craft treads the intersection of dance, performance, and (post-dramatic) theatre and who have to date been hosted at, inter alia, Online Art+ in New York, Tanzquartier in Vienna, and ]performance space[ in London, seize upon Goebbels’ trichotomy between the private, the public-private, and the fully public life of the individual, which they then superimpose upon Marx’s remark that a lot of work gets done in bed.

Created and performed by: Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba
Set, light and costume design: Petra Veber
Music: Davor Herceg
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Producer: Žiga Predan
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana 
Co-production: Pekinpah / Kink Kong
The performance is partially created in the frame of the platform Identity.Move! supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union.

As part of the Spider Slang Festival
