The Slovenian Association of Disabled Students: MOVE.ING

May 17, 2015 8:00 pm

Photo: Nastija Fijolič

All differences vanish away in dance.
Feeling free and alive is what dance is about… But dance carries also that element of the yet unknown: you fall in love with your dance partner, you feel butterflies in your stomach, that beast you call dance takes over you in a whirlwind of passion beyond your wildest dreams.
Only pure and sincere love is capable of giving birth to new love … And if the heart aches in its unfulfilled desire, then it should fall down from the skies as a spark of fire. This time in the form of ballet shoes.

Direction: Boris Cavazza
Choreography: Goran Bogdanovski, Andrej Novotny, Klemen Pirman
Script: Dušan Čater
Performing: dancers from the Slovenian Association of Disabled Students and professional ballet dancers
Costume design: Tina Kolenik
Music: Damir Avdić