April 21, 2015 8:00 pm

MAD_4572+ - CopyPhoto: Marcandrea

Grom’s project »once again attaches questions to social aspects – music becomes some sort of a bridge between cultures and subjective differences, a social tissue that makes us all live similar pleasures and hardships. For that very reason Grom gathered up a company of street musicians from all the corners of what once was our common homeland, gradually showing that authentic, even profound expressivity can lie behind what may seem like social maladjustment and marginality – showing that contemporary hiphop isn’t far from guslar music, and that a street musician can become part of the contemporary music scene. /…/ Main virtue of this performance is definitely the almost palpable joy of musicians, complete openness and at the same time unusual honesty, triggering an almost painful sensation in a viewer due to his urge to stay in his distinct position.« (Gregor Pompe, Dnevnik Newspaper, 8. 12. 2014)

Concept: Tomaž Grom
Authors and performers: Dario Krmpotić, Daniel Marinič, Šaban Karajić, Nermin Frljanović, Nevaip Saliu, Edison Shukriu, Gentijan Ymeri, Miroslav Matić, Tomaž Grom
Co-creator: Špela Trošt
Light design: Igor Remeta
On-field collaborators: Adrian Aziri, Algert Skenderi, Anes Husanović
Producers: Alma R. Selimović, Špela Trošt, Janja Buzečan
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana & Zavod Sploh in the frame of  Global City – Local City
Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana, EU program Kultura

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