Theatre Playground in Stara elektrarna

February 2, 2015 - February 11, 2015

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A culture day will be organised in Stara mestna elektrarna for ten elementary schools as part of the Theatre Playground project: Youngsters will have the opportunity to visit performances, participate in various workshops and experience Ljubljana from the artists’ perspective while discussing the performances seen.

Theatre Playground brings contemporary theatre to 21 schools across the entire Slovenia by addressing youngsters not as consumers of art, but rather as its productive creators. We wish to present art as a valuable entity in its own right and use it as an amazing tool for teaching with the potential to produce outstanding pedagogic results.

In the past couple of years, Bunker has been actively involved in implementing the arts and cultural education and has thereby arrived to a conclusion that this particular area of education not only lacks adequate professionals, but also fails to encompass contemporary practices in terms of content and methodology. The arts and cultural education makes sense and can be efficient only if it involves a direct interaction with a work of art (contemporary artistic offer and its context) and its creators. Six artists are involved in the implementation of the Theatre Playground project on a regular basis: Polona Janežič, Andreja Kopač, Nataša Živković, Špela Frlic, Ana Duša and Andrej Jus.



The operation is performed as part of the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for the Period 2007-2013, the development priority 4: Equal opportunities and promoting social inclusion, with a prioritized focus on 4.3: Raising employment rate of the vulnerable populations in the domain of culture and for supporting their social inclusion.