European Perspectives public discussion

November 17, 2014 6:00 pm

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The idea of Europe is being put to a serious test. After a period of an intensive integration, it is facing an economic, social and environmental crisis, as well as a crisis of values. The European Union’s response is a sustainable, smart and inclusive growth. Is this a vision understood and shared by all?

What is Europe’s identity in a globalised world? What are the common values that could bring us closer? How can the Slovenian creative and active public contribute to the European-wide reflection on Europe’s future?

The introductory discussion will be held with Ms Ksenija Vidmar Horvat, Professor of Cultural Sociology, Mr Aleš Debeljak, writer, poet, essayist and professor, and Mr Esad Babačić, poet, writer and journalist. The discussion will be followed by an open debate with the audience, including artist Janez Janša, Head of the Institute Bunker Nevenka Koprivšek, writer and director Goran Vojnović, historian and Director of ZRC SAZU Oto Luthar, journalist and researcher Tjaša Pureber, journalist Patricija Maličev, and others. The event will be hosted by Boštjan Anžin, journalist and anchor at TV Slovenija.

Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided. Admission is free.

More information:, Tina Popovič (+386 040 546 817,

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