Torres Vedras and Hamburg are hosting Katarina Stegnar`s performance DOUBLE GAME


Photo: Nada Žgank

3rd October 2014, Transforma, Torres Vedras, Portugal
11th October 2014, Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany

Katarina Stegnar is an actress, a dancer, a performer and also an author. She is a member of the collectives Betontanc, Via Negativa in Beton Ltd. The range of her creative work is extremely broad, as the essential arena of her creative activity, the theatre, expands well beyond the stage, all the way to curating and film acting.

The network Imagine 2020 – Arts and Climate Change, a support structure for research concerning the causes and effects of climate change, offered her the chance to produce her own performance. The theme of the performance is the manifesto of change – a plan for an economic model entitled The Great Transition, offered as a vision of a more sustainable and equal society by the New Economics Foundation. In her performance, Stegnar walks on the edge of the anxiety that we all feel in relation to the system-induced mistakes of the world we live in: we all know we’re headed for disaster, but still we do nothing to stop it. Stegnar plays a double game: she subverts and spins our own positions around; we want changes, but how much exactly are we ready to pay for them? We know changes should occur immediately, but does this mean it is up to us to take the first step? The line between these two positions is set with ironic distance. Lecture performance at its best, where the informative facts and the performance in progress provide an arena for a duel between Katarina and Katarina to unravel in front of the audience.

Author: Katarina Stegnar
Performers: Katarina Stegnar & Katarina Stegnar
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Light design: Igor Remeta
Producer: Maja Vižin
Co-produced by Imagine 2020 – Art and Climate Change and Bunker, in collaboration with the New Economics Foundation. The project was supported by the European Union in the framework of the Culture programme.

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