Jelena Rusjan, Kristina Gorovska, Tina Perić + Eva Zibler: ŠKRIP INC.

October 16, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

“With the present day media and marketing agencies blending their promotion genres without any serious selection mechanisms (anything goes in the name of profitable audience »recruitment«) the commentary made by the Škrip Inc. collective is not only appropriate, but almost represents a critically deconstructed paraphrase of this system. Whether Škrip Inc. /…/ is a music performance, a performing concert or something else is not really crucial here. In their performance we see the three performers /…/ embrace all their expressive qualities and thus make the event resonate (also literally speaking due to its powerful acoustics) as the victorious sum of articulated rebellious thoughts, purified vocal intonations and remarkable presence that each of the performers makes the most of in her own unique and convincing way.” Zala Dobovšek, Newspaper Delo, March 3rd, 2014

Performers: Jelena Rusjan, Kristina Gorovska in Tina Perić + Eva Zibler
Direction: Jelena Rusjan
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Consultant for Škrip Inc. propaganda: Zala Vidali
Music: Matija Dolenc
Video: Jure Lavrin
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Light design: Igor Remeta
Set design: Neža Jurman
Executive producer: Tina Dobnik
Production: Maska
Co-production: CUK Kino Šiška
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana