My!Laika & Los Santos: KABARET DEKALÈ

September 10, 2014 8:00 pm

What happens in the mind of a man in the last 5 seconds of his life?
And what dreams a cat?

The company My!Laika and their guests Los Santos, for one moment cease trying to understand the world and decide to withdraw the incomprehensible in order to create their own quixotic universe.

The protagonists of this show refuse linear narration, lettig Dostoyevsky and Thomas Mann do that job professionally, and concentrate own their own techniques of high level circus and askew sponataneous music to embark the public into their “dekalé” (engl. “different”, “unadapted”) world of strange situations. Their threedimensional collage is composed of these situations with sounds, persons, things and ideas and their respective develloppements on stage, evoking a turbine of physical and musical acrobatics.

Traces of sadism dress the stupidity of the circus action;  philosophical disquisitions confronting ancient indian dance, violence challenging aesthetics, fantastic imagination versus crude reality.

In Cabaret Dekalé, My!Laika and Los Santos confirme their constitutive artistic problematic: the true protagonist of that circus show is the risk. And the biggest of all artistic risks… the one to be understood without questioning and reflecting, without contemplating the immediate emotional reaction to the scenic action.

Laughter and goosebumps in full Kunst-Cirque style for both public and artists, who meet to live that moment of absurd circus and that chaos of emotions together.

Performers: Philine Dahlmann, Salvatore Frasca, Jorge Albuerne, Claudio Inferno, Eleazar FanjulChiara Unisoni

In the frame of the 7th international festival of contemporary clowning and circus KLOVNBUF, organized by the Institute Bufeto.