Matej Kejžar: WHITE

September 5, 2014 8:00 pm

kejžar-mala1 - CopyPhoto: Matija Lukić

White is a ritual, dedicated to all colourblind people. It’s a symbol of new beginning. White canvas. New, undefined space. It’s ritual of the body which is freed from its representation.

Author and performed by: Matej Kejžar
Sound recordings: Matej Kejžar
Costumes: Matej Kejžar & Matic
Sound: Luka Kejžar
Intervention: Janez Vidrih
Producer: Žiga Predan
Production: Pekinpah / Kink Kong
Partners: Bunker, En-Knap / Španski borci, Cheerz Georges Brussels
Acknowledgements: Iztok Kovač, Davis Freeman, Nina Meško, Petra Veber, Leja Jurišič, technical team Španski borci, technical team Bunker