Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik: Time Body Trio

September 29, 2014 6:00 pm September 30, 2014 6:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

I know what time it is all the time, yet still I get lost in time all the time.
My day is split into hundreds of tiny units,
as I go around doing different stuff, thinking different thoughts.
A feeling of disorientation; of a loss of something at the expense of something else.
A struggle for a new formation, for a redefinition. And lots of shame.
Things have changed. My role is different now.
Who is my acting cast? What kind of play did we find ourselves in? (A. R. P. notes)

Time Body Trip is a performance that moves away from the established patterns; its vigilance, sensibility and intelligibility make it resonate in an indefinable excess that succeeds in embedding art as such with meaning once again. (Jasmina Založnik)

The lining-up of situations in a palimpsest manner, where the theatre world comes to meet other worlds, is premeditated, on one hand composed of tiny intrusions that come as a surprise, and on the other fluid in terms of its realisation. (Mojca Kumerdej)

…how to use body, motion, movements and other performing signifiers to achieve the effect of poetry…
…it raises more questions than it answers… as if it stood by the open window and held up shutters to keep the wind as it howls through from slamming them…
…the two worlds are, without a shadow of a doubt, two sets of time, but it is primarily the task of art (dance), to bring them together and form a dialogue between them, for the world cannot be trusted in this respect … (Blaž Lukan)

Concept, artistic guidance, choreography: Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik
Creative process and realisation: Katja Legin, Christopher Benstead, Jaka Šimenc in Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik
Production: Federacija
Thanks to: Center sonoričnih umetnosti Vodnikova domačija, Martin Podrzavnik, Center Premik, Sadhana joga studio, Bunker Ljubljana, kolektiv Federacija
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana