Public discussion: INVESTING IN CULTURE

May 19, 2010
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Non-governmental organisations in the area of culture and art are confronted with the challenge of searching for alternative sources of funding, since public subsidies frequently turn out to be insufficient for the execution of programs in a quality manner. When approaching potential investors and sponsors, however, NGOs often receive negative responses with a repetitive explanation, claiming that companies have no benefit from investing in culture. The recession has made this problem even more acute.
Asociacija is organizing a public discussion to open a discursive arena between managers, foundation representatives, authority representatives and experts from relevant areas and thus invite all of the above players to participate in a dialogue on the subject of formal legal aspects of investments in culture, tax incentives, etc.

The discussion is organized by Asociacija, society of non-governmental organizations and independent artists in the area of art and aulture. More information at:
