The Viennese Filaccordionists & guests

July 1, 2014 9:00 pm

Photo: Viktor Brazdil

The Viennese Filaccordionists (Die Wiener Ziehharmoniker), esblished by iniciative of Viennese accordionist and composer Otto Lechner, follow the principle of composers orchestra: in the center of their concert program are compositions and musical ideas of its members accordionists. They all have roots in different musical genres, idioms and approaches; their common denominator consists only in fact, that they all play accordion, be it button or piano, diatonic or chromatic.

Die Wiener Ziehharmoniker links together older, middle and young generations of accordionist of both genders, with full respect for their individuality in their common investigation of new potentials of an old idea of accordion orchestra – collective. And while the ensemble breathes through polkas, waltzes, rock, swing and noises, experimentation meets attractiveness and strict orchestration meets collective improvisations. “Can we thus talk about some kind of new accordion reality?”, asks Otto Lechner and answers: “Why not: the accordion came around again and breathes in and out all that fragrances of the globe!”

Members: Otto Lechner, Ingrid Eder, Heidelinde Gratzl, Maria Düchler, Maria Stattin, Otto Lechner, Bratko Bibič, Paul Schubert, Johannes Münzner, Franz Haselsteiner, Hannes Steiner, Florian Zack, Walter Czipke, Tino Klissenbauer, Christian Selinger, Janez Dovč, Jure Tori, Petra Trobec
Organized by: ALCEDO Zavod za kulturni in trajnostni razvoj, Labor
Co-organized by: Verein Akkordeonata Dunaj, Mednarodni festival uličnega gledališča Ana Desetnica (Gledališče Ane Monro), zavod Bunker, Kulturno umetniško društvo Adapter
With the support of: Avstrijski kulturni forum Ljubljana, Glasbena šola Moste-Polje Ljubljana, SCCA – Zavod za sodobno umetnost Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije