Spider, An Itinerant Artistic Manifestation in White

Category: ,
May 28, 2014 8:00 pm

With our special Wednesday – White Spider event, we are celebrating this year’s continuous Spider Expand! festivals, with sold out events in DCj Brussels (March), Les Subsistances, Lyon (April), LaborGras Berlin (April) & just recently in Syghrono Theatro, Athens (May).

The evening will start with a talented young Argentinian choreographer and perspective SNDO student Nicolás F. Rosés Ponce with his solo Ω Mantra. Next, a premiere of Slovenian choreographer and long time Pekinpah collaborator Matej Kejžar. In his new dance creation White, dedicated to all the colorblind people, Matej will present a ritual of the body which is freed from its representation. We will conclude the evening with inovative audio-visual collective Your Gay Thoughts with an hour of pure post-pop extravaganza.

Production: Pekinpah / Kink Kong
Producer: Žiga Predan
Authors of event: Matej Kejžar, Žiga Predan
Programming: Matej Kejžar, Žiga Predan, Leja Jurišić
Artistic board of Spider Expand!: Matej Kejžar, Jean Emmanuel Belot, Michaël Pomero, Julien Monty, Marie Goudot, Saša Božić, Roxane Huilmand,Wolfgang Kolb, Renate Graziadei, Arthur Stäldi, Frosini Trousa
Texts by: Andreja Kopač & Pekinpah / King Kong
Techical Director of the event : Igor Remeta
Acknowledgements: Jana Wilcoxen, Nina Fajdiga, Saša Šuštar, Saša Lončar, Nina Meško
Festivals Spider Expand! were made possible by: EU – Culture programme (2007-2013), Ljubljana Municipality, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia

Tickets: 12 € / 8 € (students, seniors, artists, reservations) / 0 € (unemployed)


mantra - Copy 8.00 p.m.Nicolás F. Rosés Ponce: Ω MANTRA 
dance performanceSlovenian premiere
kejžar - Copy 9.00 p.m.Matej Kejžar: WHITE
dance performancepremiere
koncert - Copy 11.00 p.m.Your Gay Thoughts
post-pop concert