Društvo študentov invalidov Slovenije and Plesni klub Zebra: WHEELZARD (wheelchair dancing)

June 5, 2014 8:00 pm June 6, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Špela Bergant

Just another day with people running their everyday errands. Carefree and easy-going are their lives, and their abilities unlimited. But out of a sudden the land is covered with a demolishing whirl that embraces the unfortunate dwellers and blows away their strongest force of life – the ability of aesthetic movement and expression. Where to go from here? In their dream they see the Wheelzard whose majestic presence can cure them. And so the bravest of them all embark on a long and unknown journey that leads them through mysterious lands of jazz, salsa, tango and jive. Will they find the Wheelzard? Can it be that the lands they are about to cross hold this magical cure? Can it be that the path itself carries it within?

Performing: Društvo študentov invalidov Slovenije, Plesni klub Zebra
Choreography: Andrej Novotny, Klemen Pirman, Anja Tegelj