4. letnik SVŠGL – umetniška gimnazija: VEČER PLESNIH SOLOV

May 6, 2010 7:00 pm

Pred-premiera ’10 – the final student production of all four years of SVŠGL dance high school will this year for the first time be accompanied by a presentation of work carried out by the 4th Year students. They are preparing a short authorial solo in the framework of their graduation assignment, which relates to the theme To see and/or be seen from the third essay of the book Ways of Seeing, written by John Berger. The theme remains to be the same as the one foreseen for the group choreography. Students are to prepare their authorial solo on the basis of previously conducting their own research with regard to the theme, leading to development of their own content.

Performed by students of the 4th Year 2009/2010: Alja Ferjan, Neža Hribar, Leon Marič, Ana Romih, Jan Rozman, Daniel Petkovič, Sara Jelen, Maša Repovž, Tina Runko, Mojca Sovdat, Staša Usnik, Gabrijela Zupan, Barbara Vuzem, Kristina Šinigoj, Maja Slanc
Mentor: Maja Delak
Production: Zavod EMANAT
Co-production: Srednja vzgojiteljska šola in gimnazija Ljubljana
Partner: Bunker Ljubljana, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana