Svetlana Makarovič, Milko Lazar: THE SAGA OF HALLGERD

May 15, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Jana Jocif

In her work entitled The Saga of Hallgerd, Svetlana Makarovič drew upon the Icelandic storytelling tradition so very dear to her, and set off to the battle beween Christianity and Paganism that had flared up in the 10th century. The central character appearing in this battle is the beautiful Hallgerd, who was loyal to the old ways, treated people with respect and stood up against injustice. However, it was exactly because of her pride and rebellion that a curse had been set upon her, and it is due to this curse that the Icelandic people remain reluctant to utter her name up to this very day. The narrative inspired the composer Milko Lazar to write the soundscape music that provides the musical side to the literary evening entitled The Saga of Hallgerd.

Text and interpretation: Svetlana Makarovič
Original composition, piano: Milko Lazar
Production: društvo Triola
The concert will take place as part of the Neighbours Day programme in the Tabor Cultural Quarter.