Via Negativa: THE BRAKE

April 21, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Marcandrea

The Brake is a story about rollerblading, which opens up an insight into the identity as a trap in which freedom is becoming an increasingly unattainable illusion: “If I am what I think I am – being free – why am I still here where I am? Why do I not pack up and go? Why do I always find a reason not to do something? Why do I always have one foot on the brake? I don’t know. That’s how I was raised. Educated. Socialized. Equipped to be socially useful. Although I’m fed up with everything, I’m still here. I still cruise from one institution to another and persuade them that my brake works perfectly, that I am ready to be a socially useful pussy – even if I’m doing something so utterly useless as a performance. Get it? Born from a pussy, raised to be a pussy.”

Concieved, written and performed by: Rok Kravanja
Concept and direction: Bojan Jablanovec
Light design: Igor Remeta
Producer: Špela Trošt
Production: Via Negativa
Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana