Maja Delak: WHAT IF

January 23, 2014 8:00 pm January 24, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

What if … we lived differently? And what if – we wouldn’t? What if is a performance about how we fail to lead a different life in the end. It is a performance about how time dictates the pace of life; how instability and hyper-productivity define the rhythm of work and how the scope of resistance is often defined by the rhythm of the senses. What if is a dancer’s solo and a solo about a dancer, it is a dance solo about what the body can and cannot do (any longer).

Creator and performer: Maja Delak
Music: Luka Prinčič
Texts: Saša Rakef, Maja Delak
Dramaturgy: Katja Čičigoj
Set design: Irena Pivka
Costume design: Urška Recer
Programming: Jakob Leben, Luka Prinčič
Light design: Urška Vohar
Translation: Katja Kosi, Nataša Živković
Executive production: Saša Rakef, Nina Janež
Production: Emanat
Co-production: Mesto žensk, Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Partners: Festival plesa in neverbalnega gledališča Svetvinčenat, Mediteranski plesni center, Bunker, Ljubljana
Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana