Leja Jurišić, Petra Veber: BALLET OF REVOLT

Category: ,
September 19, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Petra Štrukelj

“Powerful music from the Dada film Ballet Mécanique from 1923 presented a meaningful sound background. The mechanic sounds emphasised the crisis of existence, which was radiating from the performance. The existential crisis was presented at a personal as well as collective level. Art for a moment seemed superfluous again. But precisely inside this very superfluous art – which is reproduced by the capitalist system as well as by the constant transformation of the personal state – the performer found a moment, which gave the performance some specific libido. /…/ Neoliberal Europe and the even more neoliberal Slovenia are undoubtedly entities worth the revolt. This is visible, audible and almost tangible in the performance »Ballet of Revolt«.” (Nenad Jelesijević, Radio Študent, 25th February 2013)

Concept : Leja Jurišić, Petra Veber
Choreography and performance: Leja Jurišić
Set, costume and light design: Petra Veber
Assistant costume design: Amanda Kapić
Music: George Antheil – Ballet Mécanique (1924): Rekonstrukcija in kompozicija: Maurice Peress, Nimbus Records (1992)
Technical director: Borut Cajnko
Sound technician: Luka Curk
Executive producer: Žiga Predan
Production: Pekinpah / Kink Kong
Co-production: Tanzquartier Wien, Hellerau Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden, Dansens Hus Stockholm
Supported by : Modul-dance