Barbara Kukovec: THE FIRST LAW OF B. K.

September 11, 2013 10:00 pm

Photo: Marcandrea

Performance for four projectors, a bicycle and a performer. The First Law of B. K. is derived directly from the first law of thermodynamics: “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one state to another.” For the purpose of the performance Barbara reduces her existence to that of a thermodynamic system where she transforms food energy (calories/joules) into luminous energy – the perceived energy of light (lumens). By pedalling the bicycle Barbara propels the dynamo, which generates electricity for lightning of the stage, as well as the brightness of the projections with the brightness sensor attached to the shaft of the pedal.

Titles of videos: Sandwich Bites, Chicken Canon, Five Course, Vegetables Beat, Coffee, Beer & Vine, Noodles Ballet, Apple Wants to be an Orange, English Breakfast, Hot Hot Hot.

Conceived and text by: Barbara Kukovec, Bojan Jablanovec
Performer and video: Barbara Kukovec
Sound and video synchronization: Rob Canning
Pedaling brightness control and software: Borut Kumperščak
Technician: Igor Remeta
Artistic director: Bojan Jablanovec
Producer: Špela Trošt
Production: Via Negativa
Support: Ministry of Culture of RS and the City of Ljubljana

In the framework of the 7th Triennial of Contemporary Art in Slovenia – U3.