Students of SVŠGL: PREDPREMIERA ’10: Opazovati in/ali opazovano

March 16, 2010 7:00 pm March 17, 2010 7:00 pm March 18, 2010 7:00 pm

The dance project Pred-premiera is an annual final presentation of graduates and other students of the dance highschool SVŠGL – the contemporary dance module, under the tutelage of their mentors, recognized Slovene individuals within the contemporary Slovene dance.
This year’s theme To see and/or be seen relates to the third essay from the book Ways of Seeing, written by John Berger. The students will thus undertake a research in the roles of “the one who sees” and “the one who is seen”, taking them as integral, but always separate parts of a given identity.

Creators and performers: dijakinje in dijaki/students of SVŠGL – Umetniške gimnazije za sodobni ples
Mentors: Maja Delak, Mojca Dimec Bogdanovski, Tina Dobaj Eder, Katja Legin, Vita Osojnik, Petra Pikalo, Nataša Tovirac, Kaja Valenti, Urška Vohar
Production: Zavod EMANAT
Coproduction: Bunker, Srednja vzgojiteljska šola in gimnazija Ljubljana