Mala Kline: THE END

March 11, 2010 8:00 pm March 12, 2010 8:00 pm March 13, 2010 8:00 pm


“THE END is a performance about us both: You playing the role of a spectator and Me playing the role of a performer. It is a performance about our encounter within the theatre – at the very end of the world. Only one law applies within the walls of a theatre: the Law of artistic madness. Under it, the theater becomes a space of freedom. This is why this performance pushes the limits of theatre, reason, judgment, and embodies madness turning things upside-down while holding expectations of the unexpected. This performance is nothing but an exercise in presence, nonsense, mistakes and laughter. Last but not least, this performance is a topsy-turvy dance in which we both take part in.” Mala Kline

Concept and realization: Mala Kline
Sound and Music: Emilian Gatsov
Set and light design: Lothar Baumgarte
Video: Guillaume Cailleau
Animation script, drawing and direction: Izar Lunaček
Animation execution: Guillaume Callieau and Olivier Durand
Costume design: Svenja Gassen
Technical director: Luka Curk
Photography: Gaia – graffitiart&photography
Executive producer: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-production: O espaço do tempo, Linz09 – European Capital of Culture
The performance was created with the help of: Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, City Municipality of Ljubljana, Maska, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, Cultural Association YANVII
Performance is a part of the international project OIsNotAcCompany
