February 25, 2010 8:00 pm February 26, 2010 8:00 pm February 27, 2010 8:00 pm February 28, 2010 8:00 pm



25th February at 8 pm

Čisti performans questions the form as a basic instrument of artistic expression – Jaka Lah places himself as well as the spectator into the position, which makes them both captives of the form. We thus find ourselves within an absurd situation, where the performer remains to categorically doubt his own form of utterance. Since no thought exists as such until mediated through a form of some sort, there is also no thought existing in its pure form. The very act of uttering the thought already duplicates the latter – as it is no longer identical to what had been thought. Čisti performans employs self-irony and thus subverts assumptions, which provide the arena for artistic expression and pushes the absurd situation of the form to self-annihilation.

Created by Jaka Lah and Bojan Jablanovec on the basis of the working material for the performance ŠE (Via Negativa, 2003).
Text: Bojan Jablanovec
Performer: Jaka Lah
Direction, selection of music, set and light design: Bojan Jablanovec

Marko Mandić: VIVA MANDIĆ

26th February at 8 pm

Three unspoken and seemingly very similar questions remain echoing at the very core of the Viva Mandić performance: 1. Why am I doing all this? 2. Who is all this for? 3. What am I for actually? Marko’s answers are very short: 1. For myself. 2. For me. 3. For myself. Viva Mandić! Exhibitionist, narcissist, madman, intellectual, animal, egoist, artist.

Created by Marko Mandić and Bojan Jablanovec on the basis of the material for the performance VIVA VERDI (Via Negativa, 2006).
Performer: Marko Mandić
Direction, set and light design, selection of music: Bojan Jablanovec


27th and 28th February at 8 pm

In the performance Tonight I Celebrate Uroš Kaurin walks to get closer to the contemporary spectator “without desires”. The performance could likewise be seen as a concert for him and his audience, which takes theatricality of their relationship for its central theme: its depth and its superficiality, its true and illusive nature. And if audience really is ready to handle just about anything nowadays, one final question remains: what and how much can handle the performer.

Created by Uroš Kaurin and Bojan Jablanovec on the basis of the working material for the performance OUT (Via Negativa, 2008).
Text: Bojan Jablanovec
Performers: Uroš Kaurin, Tomaž Grom
Musical arrangements: Tomaž Grom
Direction, set and light design: Bojan Jablanovec
Selection of music: Uroš Kaurin, Bojan Jablanovec