Category: ,
May 7, 2013 8:00 pm 8:00 pm May 8, 2013 8:00 pm 8:00 pm

The music-theatre project is »theatricalizing« the musical to dissect the migration and the impossibility of migration, the leaving and staying, the reasons why to persist and why to leave. The choice of the performing team consisting of musicians and not actors established the circumstances for a non-every-day creative process and faced the director with a unique challenge as far as how to theatricalize the de-theatricalized musical situation.

Directed by: Mare Bulc
Performed by: Jaka Berger, Miha Blažič – N’toko, Matija Dolenc, Polona Janežič, Tina Perić, Irena Preda
Sound design: Jure Vlahović
Music: by the performers
Stage movement: Branko Potočan
Costumes: Mateja Benedetti
Light design: Igor Remeta
Production: Maska
Co-production: Bunker, Ljubljana and Zavod Exodos