Festival Animateka in Katalena

December 9, 2009 10:00 pm

audio-visual concert

The Association 2 reels joined forces with the music group Katalena this time, famous for its revivals of folk songs. This way both of them use their own respective techniques and artistic purposes in order to melt the stories, which reside in a treasure-box of our cultural heritage, into an audio-visual concert. The songs performed by the group Katalena are meant to provide inspiration for animated backgrounds as a visual element and for the folk material to be interpreted anew.

Idea and concept: Igor Prassel
Performing: Vesna Zornik (vocal), Polona Janežič (keyboards, back vocals), Boštjan Gombač (clarinet, flutes, percussions, back vocals), Tibor Mihelič Syed (bass guitar, back vocals), Boštjan Narat (guitar, mandolin, back vocals), Robert Rebolj (drums, percussions)
Music: Katalena
Video: the young Slovene visual artists and animators
Production: Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta (Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka), for him Urška Jež
Co-production: Kinodvor. Mestni Kino., Bunker, Ljubljana