Balkan Express Roundtable discussion: Sustainability of Artistic Action


Location: CAAP, Valvasorjeva 42, Maribor

The roundtable discussion introduces a series of public talks and other events on the topic of Culture &Sustainability that Balkan Express co-organizes throughout the upcoming year, to culminate with the Balkan Express Summer Seminar in September 2013.

Balkan Express initiates a joint reflection on the different aspects of culture and sustainability: the resilience of the arts sector and other value-based sectors in a climate of austerity and value-shifts;the contribution of culture to a more responsible use of natural resources; the connection between access to culture and individual well-being; the need for sustainable alternative models for different social and cultural practices etc.

The Maribor discussion focuses on the sustainability of artistic action. How does artistic work enhance meaningful social transformation? How can we as culture professionals contribute to a more fair, cohesive and responsible society? What is the legacy of our work? And, nonetheless, how can the cultural sector become more sustainable itself? Can we imagine within our sector and in connection with other sectors alternative ways of operation and organisation? Together with our guests we look to answer these questions through discussions and presentation of best practices.
Being in Maribor, the 2012 European Capital of Culture, we are also looking at the European Capital of Culture programme from the perspective of legacy and long term effects.

Balkan Express is a network of professionals working in culture and connected socially engaged practices that aims to mobilise the cultural sector throughout the Balkans, Central Eastern Europe and internationally, to build new relations, to encourage sharing and cooperation with the view to establish a supportive relation between arts/culture and society.

The Sustainability of Artistic Action roundable takes placeat the same time as Drugajanje festival and the Global City – Local City Citylab in Maribor, thus opening up the discussion to a wider international audience.

Moderator: Rarita Zbranca – director of Alt Art Foundation/president of Fabrica de Pensule, Cluj, Romania

Invited speakers:
Marta Gregorčič, director of  Urbane brazde (Urban furrows), Maribor, Slovenia
Aleksandra Kostič, director of  KID Kibla, Maribor, Slovenia
Davor Mišković, director of  Drugo more, Rijeka, Croatia
Šarka Havličkova, artistic director of Pilsen 2015 – European Capital of Culture, Czech Republic
Dragan Protić, Škart collective, Belgrade, Serbia
Ida Daniel, theatre director and a representative of ACT Association, Sofia, Bulgaria
Maja Vižin, manager of the project Imagine 2020, Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Una Bauer, arts critic, thinker, Zagreb, Croatia
Đorđe Balmazović, Škart collective, Belgrade, Serbia
Milica Ilić, IETM, Brussels, Belgium/Belgrade, Serbia
Ronald Panza, Centar Abrašević, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Valon Ibraj, Oda Teatri & Cultural Forum Network, Kosovo
Dušica Ivetić, visual artist, Kotor, Montenegro
Agnes Bakk, Fuge Productions, Juranyi Incubator, Budapest, Hungary
Gréta Somogyi-Magyar, Füge Productions, Juranyi Incubator, Budapest, Hungary
Goran Injac, Miskievitz Institute, Krakow, Poland
Lana Zdravković, Kitch, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nenad Jelesijević, Kitch, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nevenka Koprivšek, Bunker, Slovenia
Tamara Bračič Vidmar, Bunker/Association Balkan Express, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Samo Selimović, Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jasmina Založnik, arts critic, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Andreja Rihter, director of Forum of Slavic Cultures, Ljubljana, Slovenia
15 international artists from seven European countries

Project is being supported by:
International Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures
European Cultural Foundation, BIFC programme