Category: ,
September 29, 2012 8:00 pm September 30, 2012 8:00 pm

Geometrical point is a name for an invisible or visible object … One point less or Point-less stands for an intense research of movement with real and “imaginary” points – ellipses. Ellipses lure into the beauty and exciting madness of their inner relations. Every ellipse is composed of two individual inner focuses on one hand and the constancy of relations and opposites arising between them on the other. An appealing definition for many realities and for several point-less coordinates that determine us.

Conceptual outline: Mateja Bučar
Movement conception and dance: Maja Kalafatić, Kaja Lorenci, Bojana Mišić
Video: Vadim Fiškin
Music selection from radio programs: Marko Trstenjak, Brane Zorman
Production: DUM društvo umetnikov
Producer: Sanja Kuveljić
Co-production: Bunker, Ljubljana, Zavod ZET
Project was supported by: Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Media sponsor: Radio Študent Ljubljana