September 18, 2012 8:00 pm

Closing event of the Contemporary Dance Network & Gibanica on Tour

The Contemporary Dance Network was formally established in 2010 with goals to connect organisations that develop and produce contemporary dance art, to arrange better conditions for the contemporary dance artists and, finally, to increase awareness of contemporary dance in Slovenia and abroad. The network has intensely intertwined its activities with the Slovene dance festival Gibanica, devoted to presenting the contemporary dance achievements to the Slovene and foreign audiences every second year. The Contemporary Dance Network and the Slovene Dance Festival have joined hands this year to organise Gibanica on Tour, bringing workshops, round-table discussions and performances seen at the last year’s festival to four different cities in Slovenia.

Gibanica and the Contemporary Dance Network are currently preparing a closing event, which is to present the results of a research on the subject of audiences, recommendations for development of contemporary dance sector in Slovenia and two contemporary dance performances. On top of that, Kongresni trg in Ljubljana will become an open dance floor with DJ Borka and VJ Rasta on the mouse on 19th September in the evening.

In the framework of the two-day dance event, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana will host the performances The Sound of the Bodily Quietness and The Very Delicious Piece.

Organised by: Društvo za sodobni ples Slovenije, Fičo Balet
Supported by: Evropski socialni sklad, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
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