Nina Fajdiga, Jasmina Križaj & Tina Valentan: SUGAR RUSH

Category: ,
October 8, 2009 9:00 pm 9:00 pm


Sugar Rush is a performance project that through the medium of movement and music aims to invoke unbearable sweetness of a shared community – a memory of a paradise that never really existed and yet it is forever lost. Although in its initial intention it refers to the collection of imprecise and personal reminiscences of Yugoslavia, the country that was violently wiped from the map of Europe during the last decade of the 20th century, Sugar Rush is not seeking to make political or critical statement on the subject.

Instead, three dancers/makers (each in its own way and all three of them together) are turning toward their own childhood nostalgia in an effort to purify it into an immediate sensation of irrational exhilaration directly accessible to the spectators, irrespective of their personal or national history. Through their shameless “naivety” expressed as an unstoppable and obsessive desire to dance themselves out of time Tina, Nina and Jasmina are inviting us to reconsider the value of togetherness and shared enjoyment beyond personal memory or collective history even if that requires radical “suspension of disbelief”.

Choreography: Nina Fajdiga, Jasmina Križaj & Tina Valentan
Performing: Nina Fajdiga, Jasmina Križaj, Jernej Jurc and Tian Rotteveel
Music: Jernej Jurc and Tian Rotteveel
Dramaturgy: Igor Dobričić
Advisor: David Zambrano
Light design: Ellen Knops, Petyr Veenstra
Costumes: Urška Recer
Graphic design: 3.14 grafx
Production: EMANAT Institute in collaboration with SUGAR RUSH group
Executive producer: Petra Hazabent
Project coordinator: Sabina Potočki (Emanat)
Office: Nina Janež (Emanat)
Partners: La Caldera Barcelona, Melkweg Theater Amsterdam and Plesna izba Maribor, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Financial support: European Cultural Foundation – ECF


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