Bertolt Brecht, Tatjana Peršuh: THE THREEPENNY OPERA

June 16, 2008 8:00 pm June 17, 2008 8:00 pm June 18, 2008 8:00 pm

Bertolt Brecht, Tatjana Peršuh: OPERA ZA TRI GROŠE

8th semester production of AGRFT

Staging one of Brehct’s plays has to have a good reason and purpose in these times, as it is strongly connected to a specific historical epoch. Therefore, the adaptation of the idea in a modern era is unavoidable. The Threepenny Opera is the production of the 8th semester of AGRFT students, directed by Tatjana Peršuh, has discovered, forgotten, rediscovered and put into the frame of “now and then” all the Brechtian notions of epical, political and the alienated. Without Weill’s songs, which are the carriers of the critique of theatre and society and also play an influential role in the huge popularity of The Threepenny Opera, this play of Brecht might be “only” a “correctly” told story about a criminal with a whiff of critical reflection on reality. When putting one of Brecht’s play on stage, we must consider the function the play would have for audiences and find our own answer to it. This time, the answer is an invisible manipulation by the system its resonance in the relationship between two individuals is the relationship of everyone towards everything. The depth of Brecht is the shallowness of the one who is watching.

Directed by: Tatjana Peršuh
Performers: Viktorija Bencik, Luka Cimprič, Ana Dolinar, Jurij Drevenšek, Jure Henigman, Ana Hribar, Nina Ivanišin, Uroš Kaurin, Jure Lajovic, Klemen Slakonja, Domen Valič
Musicians: Gregor Ftičar, Klemen Kotar, Igor Matkovič, Nikola Matošič, Gašper Peršl, Bojan Zupančič
Arrangement: Žarko Prinčič, senior lecturer
Costume designer: Tomaž Lešnjak
Kostumografija: Nataša Peršuh
Language editor: Tatjana Stanič
Dramaturgy: Maruša Majer
Mentors: Mile Korun, professor, Matjaž Zupančič, senior lecturer, Žarko Prinčič, senior lecturer, Meta Hočevar, professor, Janja Korun, senior university teacher, mag. Jasna Vastl, M. A., assistant, dr. Blaž Lukan, senior university teacher