15th International Festival Mladi levi

August 23, 2012 - September 2, 2012

International festival Mladi levi is one ofthe more prominent annual events of the Bunker institution, bringing the most current stage performers from all over the world to Ljubljana every end of the summer. It bears a mark of a demanding artistic profile, placed within the arena of contemporary progressive the atreand takes pride in its reputation for discovering young talents. The Festival has a distinctive atmosphere, marked with creativity and vibrantspirit, curious audience and social nature.

Festival Mladi levi inhabits a place of encounter sand surprises, continuously opening up to foreign artists and guests, who take pleasure in art and spread contemporary artistic or social topics in front of one another. It is a place of exchange as well as a cradle of new ideas, friendships and co-operations, which frequently extend beyond the local concepts or borders in the process of their growth.

This year’s festival edition will present

Mladi levi will host also numerous accompanying events such as workshops, lectures, meeting of international network Junge Hunde, thematic openning night and the festival newspaper Arena. For the 15th anniversary of the festival we will prepare a special publication, which will collect thoughts and impressions about the past fourteen years of the festival.

Free tickets and voluntary donations

Since the current crisis is making the access to culture increasingly restrained and difficult, we decided to give out the tickets for the festival events for free while making a kind request to the audience to contribute as much as they can. The collected funds will be used for the purchase of new theatre reflectors to replace the beat-up old ones and a projector bulb in Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana. Ticket booking is advised.

We kindly ask you to support our festival and future work in accordance with your own possibilities.

Join us in the celebration of arts!

Bookings and information: +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si
The festival was made possible by: EU programme Culture, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Elektro Ljubljana, Europlakat, Turizem Ljubljana, Hotel Park, Institut français, Institut Ramon Llull, Francoski inštitut Charles Nodier, EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee, Gulbenkian Foundation, Arts Council Norway, Norwegian Association for Performing Arts, British Council, Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Španije, JSKD, Kliping d. o. o., Slovenski etnografski muzej, Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, Aksioma, Maska, MediaBus, SiGledal, Radio Študent, Fini oglasi, Mladina, Radio SI, BARSOS-MC, Slovenska kinoteka, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova, Gledališče Glej, Ljutomer Ormož, Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani

We reserve the right to possible programme alterations.