MLADI LEVI: Thursday, August 27th from 12 am to 1 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Širša soseska Tabor v Ljubljani ima ogromen kulturni in umetniški potencial. Govorimo o področju med Miklošičevo in Njegoševo ulico ter Masarykovo ulico in Ljubljanico. Pogovarjali se bomo o možnih načinih sodelovanja s ciljem vzpostavitve umetniške četrti Tabor. To sodelovanje bi temeljilo na izmenjavi informacij, koordinaciji dogodkov, skupni promociji, skupni bazi prostovoljcev, tehnične opreme in še česa.

The wider neighbourhood Tabor in Ljubljana has immense cultural and artistic potential. We are speaking of the area between Miklošičeva and Njegoševa Street on one hand and Masarykova Street and the Ljubljanica River on the other. We will be discussing possible ways of cooperating, with the goal of establishing an artistic quarter Tabor. This cooperation will be based on the exchange of information, the coordination of events, mutual promotional activities, a mutual volunteer base, shared technical equipment and much more.

Sodelujejo/Participants: Bunker, Metelkova mesto, Rog, Kinodvor, Slovenski etnografski muzej, Moderna Galerija, Kinoteka, Četrtna skupnost center, IPOP, Pionirski dom idr.