The Mladi levi festival looks for volunteers!

The Mladi levi festival is special also because of the energy and spirit that the volunteers have been bringing along ever since 2005. The festival will be celebrating its 15th anniversary this year and it is simply impossible to imagine its existence without the help of enthusiasts who one by one contribute as much as they can and will towards making the Mladi levi festival a remarkably organized, entertaining, fresh and colourful event that brings exceptional artists from Slovenia and abroad to Ljubljana at the onset of each autumn. Do join us!

We are looking for people of different profiles and with various skills. Naturally, our need for volunteer staff will be the greatest during the festival time, but we will by all means value your help also before and after the festival period. This year in particular we will be in great need for volunteer help due to various outdoor events that will celebrate the festival’s anniversary.

If you are interested in working with us as a volunteer, please send an email to or call +386 41 644 409.