Matija Ferlin: SAD SAM Lucky

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April 24, 2012 8:00 pm April 25, 2012 8:00 pm

SAD SAM Lucky, a new solo creation by the Croatian choreographer and performer Matija Ferlin, is a continuation of the ongoing romantic conceptual series SAD SAM that started in January 2004 in Amsterdam when the first SAD SAM Now I am was premiered.

The second solo creation SAD SAM Almost 6 was presented in January 2009. Ferlin’s performance Sad Sam Lucky is a physical response to the work of the Slovenian avant-garde poet Srečko Kosovel (1904 – 1926) whose confessional poetry is profound, contemporary in its spirit, full of internal tension and stylistic imagery, at the same time revolutionary in its ideas, brimming with immediate reflections of his personality, deeply touching and poetically invaluable. Driven by the lasting relevance of Kosovel’s verses, his honesty, melancholic prophecy and sentimental tragedy – Ferlin in SAD SAM Lucky creates a form of a highly physical, turbulent and emotional homage to this very unique avant-garde author.

Choreographed and performed by: Matija Ferlin
Dramaturgy: Goran Ferčec
Text: Srečko Kosovel and Matija Ferlin
Music: Luka Prinčič
Set design: Mauricio Ferlin
Light design: Saša Fistrić
Costume design: Matija Ferlin
Graphic design: Tina Ivezić
Poster artwork: Christophe Chemin
Photography: Danko Stjepanović, Nada Žgank
Translation: Katja Kosi, Daniela Bilić Rojnić
Project assistants: Ana Kovačević & Nina Janež
Produced and organized by: Emanat
Co-produced by: Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Centre National de la Danse Hosted, Zagreb Dance Center Project partnership of Festival of Dance and Non-Verbal Theater San Vincenti, Bunker Ljubljana – Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Financial support by Ministry of Culture of the Republic Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana, Municipality of Pula