Mateja Bučar: PROCESSING…

November 19, 2011 8:00 pm

Work in process

We are starting an intensive research of the movement with real, as well as unreal ellipses. They invite us into the beauty and strained insanity of their interior relations. Namely, each ellipse is composed of two independent interior focuses and of constantly changing relations between them. A pretty attractive definition for many realities we are involved in.

Modern life is full of networks, either social, family, friends, business or bureaucratic ones. The essential things are not only the connections, but also the voids. There is no net without any holes or voids, which it embraces, but never completely covers.

How shall we conceive/think of this emptiness? Is a void a point linked with a net, or is it the network itself that places the points in a slightly different constellation each time? Are the nets, the points or the voids what makes us move, or do we move them ourselves…?

idea & management process: Mateja Bučar
creator & dance: Maja Kalafatič, Kaja Lorenci, Bojana Mišič, Nina Pertot
projection in the process: Vadim Fishkin
music: Marko Trstenjak, Brane Zorman

production: DUM društvo umetnikov
producer: Sanja Kuveljić
co-production: Bunker Ljubljana / Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, Zavod ZET
with the support by: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, MOL – Oddelek za kulturo
thanks: Nataša Fifolt, Dijaški dom Polj

The performance processing is being presented in the framework of the European Theatre Night initiative.