October 4, 2011 8:00 pm

literary-musical evening

Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities will host four young, but in their respective home soil nevertheless highly acclaimed authors and journalists from various European countries in the framework of The Festival of Young Literature Urška and in cooperation with the Berlin-based organization Young Euro Connect. The guests to be hosted from October 4th – 6th in Ljubljana and in Slovenj Gradec are: editor, journalist and recipient of an eminent Axel Springer Prize for journalistic achievements, Karsten Kammholz from Germany; two female journalists and prose writers, Line-Maria Lång from Denmark and Tanya Malyarchuk from Ukraine; Poland-based journalist and recipient of several awards for accomplishments in journalism (Amnesty International, EU Journalist Award, European Parliament Prize for Journalism), Witold Szablowski.

The chosen authors responded to the invitation from the Berlin-based organization to spend one week in the company of young European entrepreneurs, who are involved in enterprises and organizations that foster sense of social responsibility and justice, in order to find out what it is exactly that drives these successful managers in their effort towards a better and more just society for all. The authors will introduce themselves to Slovene audience in the form of two literary-musical evenings: the first is to take place on October 4th in our venue and the second on October 5th at The Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec.

The authors and two entrepreneurs will be accompanied by the actress Zvezdana Mlakar and actor Janko Petrovec as well as the vocal-instrumental group Istranbul, formed by young musicians from all parts of Slovenia.