Compagnie Badenya: TITRE YÉLÉ

May 25, 2008 8:00 pm

Compagnie Badenya: TITRE YÉLÉ

Within the French-Slovene Spring Event, organized by the French Institute Charles Nodier.

A solo performance, where the dancer and the musician fuse into one, develops within the accompaniment of a guitar, calbas (an African gourd) and ngoni. Each instrument has a role to accompany the dancer’s message and carries it to the four corners of the globe. The calbas’ rhythm gives the dancer a feeling of transparency; it allows him to connect with his ancestors, who convey to him a message for the living, through the soil. The ground beneath his feet is the medium where the dancer develops, while the fire of the calbas lights his way as he searches for signs, left by his ancestors. Yélé is an internal struggle, a point of silence. Silence, which gives birth to colourful words: sometimes warm and sometimes cold but also penetrating.

Choreographer: Ouédraogo Adama
Dancer: Ouédraogo Adama
Musician: Ibrahim Boro

Within the French-Slovene Spring Event, organized by the French Institute Charles Nodier
Compagnie Badenya

May 25th at 8.00 pm

A solo performance, where the dancer and the musician fuse into one, develops within the accompaniment of a guitar, calbas (an African gourd) and ngoni. Each instrument has a role to accompany the dancer’s message and carries it to the four corners of the globe. The calbas’ rhythm gives the dancer a feeling of transparency; it allows him to connect with his ancestors, who convey to him a message for the living, through the soil. The ground beneath his feet is the medium where the dancer develops, while the fire of the calbas lights his way as he searches for signs, left by his ancestors. Yélé is an internal struggle, a point of silence. Silence, which gives birth to colourful words: sometimes warm and sometimes cold but also penetrating.

Choreographer: Ouédraogo Adama
Dancer: Ouédraogo Adama
Musician: Ibrahim Boro
Costume designer: Ibrahim Boro
Administration and production: Ibrahim Boro
With the support of: Centre de développement chorégraphique de Ouagadougu