Teatr Bretoncaffe & Wytwónia Teatr: DANCES OF A DREAMBODY

May 20, 2008 8:00 pm

Dances of a Dreambody

As part of presentation of the city of Warsaw in Ljubljana.

Dance performance is inspired by mystic philosophies and also contemporary process psychology. Dreambody is the notion taken from the process oriented psychology by Arnold Mindell and it means a phenomenon which organizes the process of dreaming. Dreambody is in a strict relation with our physical body, it influences on the body, but it also can be recognized through all the experiences which endanger our primary identity. Dreambody belongs to the unconscious part of our life. According to Carl Gustav Jung’s theory it is a part of a great importance and influence on people’s life. For instance, the notion of »individual’s personal myth« means the unconscious pattern of individual life which »wants« to be realized. Every individual has such a pattern even if he or she does not know anything about it. Those individual’s personal myths usually appears in the dreams of our childhood. And it was another concept relevant for our work. Dances of a Dreambody was based on dancer’s dreams from the early childhood. Those dreams were at the bottom of script, choreographies, characters and videos. It was our way to the mythical sphere of dreaming.

Dancers: Anna Godowska, Anita Wach, Jacek Owczarek, Krzysztof Skolimowski
Directed by: Sławomir Krawczyński
Process psychology workshops and consultation: Agnieszka Wróblewska
Music and Video: Lech Rowiński
Costume designer: Marta Rowińska
Partner: Akademija procesne psihologije v Varšavi
Production: Stowarzyszenie Scena 96
In collaboration with: Teatr Wytwórnia

Dances of a Dreambody