Festival EX PONTO

Category: , ,
September 16, 2011 - September 25, 2011

The central theme of the 18th EX PONTO International Performing Arts Festival is entitled “The End or the Beginning?”, echoing the question frequently addressed in various sociological and philosophical debates, arising over and over again as a recurring motive for those involved in contemporary and especially performing arts. This very question instigated inner subjective dilemmas, controversy and intergenerational disunity due to various social-political reasons in the beginning of the 1990s.

The forthcoming performance collection focuses on the most open theatre contemplations and types of aesthetics, related to conceptual approach, unusual use of drama texts and a broad sense of freedom inscribed in art of the theatre.

The programme offers performances created by the most insightful European authors and groups, who unfold new theatre horizons with unusual aesthetic approaches: Radu Afrim / Timisoara National Theatre, Jan Klata / Polish Theatre in Wroclaw, Ivo van Hove / Toneelgroep Amsterdam, Viliam Dočolomanský / Farm in the Cave, Margarita Mladenova / Sfumato Theatre, Dino Mustafić / National Theatre of Kosovo, Borut Šeparović / ZeKaeM, Oliver Frljić …

Programme and further information